Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Welcome to Pluck and Rivets

I guess wargaming is a hobby that you never really quit. Over the last four years I have all but stopped gaming, hardly painted a thing and only visited a handful of local shows. However, the one side of the hobby in which I still remained active was the easy bit - buying stuff!

During my 'wargames wilderness' years I've been planning (and investing in) my retirement project - Victorian Science Fiction wargaming. To that end I now have a large pile (several kilos) of unpainted lead, significant quantities of plastic dinosaurs, burger promos and film-franchise toys, a modest collection of statuettes and garden ornaments (including a life size buddah's head) and two large cardboard boxes full of silk plants and fishtank 'jungle' material. Ebay has also seen it's fair share of my spare cash!

A recent attempt to tidy my garage brought to light exactly how much 'stuff' I had amassed. This in turn prompted a morbid realisation that I may not live long enought to see the project through. I've therefore decided to 'retire' early.

I'm intending to use this blog as a record of the project in the hope that others may find it interesting/inspiring/cautionary, as I have found other blogs of a similar nature to be. Another great source of inspiration for me, and the spark that really prompted me to return to the hobby, were the posts on The Lead Adventure miniatures forum.

I'm also hoping it will motivate me in the same way membership of WeightWatchers motivates women of a certain size to lose weight, i.e. fear of public humiliation!